Bulls-eye Followspot Sight

Bulls-eye Followspot Sight

Followspot operators now have access to the sight that ensures your pick ups are always accurate, no matter what the distance. Bulls-eye sights take the guess work out of picking up your target with the iris closed or dimmer off.

The Bulls-eye sight works by projecting a series of concentric circles onto a mirror, which bounces the pattern up onto a piece of glass that acts as a display window. When you look through the window, the bulls-eye pattern appears to float over the stage. You can then locate your ‘target’ by looking through the bulls-eye and fade-up your spot right on cue, and in the right place.

Because the Bulls-eye is powered by an LED, the batteries in your sight will last for hours. The Bulls-eye sight uses two standard ‘AA’ size batteries, so when they do run out replacements are readily available.

To ensure your pick-ups are always accurate, the Bulls-eye is provided with three focus screws, which allow the pattern to be shifted in the display window by manipulating the position of the reflecting mirror.

The Bulls-eye Sight is also provided with a removable base. The base can be screwed to your followspot for permanent installations, and the Bulls-eye can be locked away at the end of the show for added security. For temporary installation, the Bulls-eye base can be gaffa taped, attached with Velcro or magnetic strips, or strapped to the followspot.

Additional information

Weight 0.311 kg

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