Philips Dynalite Leading Edge Dimmer Controller (DLE220)
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The Philips Dynalite DLE220 is a two channel leading edge dimmer controller, with a maximum load of 20 A per channel. It is suitable for use with incandescent, neon and selected fluorescent light sources, as well as iron core and leading edge dimmable electronic transformers.
- Large load capability – Complements multichannel dimmers by providing extra channels where additional capacity is required.
- Reliable control – Suitable for applications where lamp life is critical, such as where lamp replacement is difficult or expensive.
- Interference suppression – Iron powder core toroidal choke lessens effects of interference from other equipment, such as transformers.
- Naturally ventilated – Requires no forced cooling or maintenance.
- Soft start and voltage regulation technologies – Protects lamps from over voltage and dramatically improves lamp life, reducing maintenance costs.
- Diagnostic functionality – Device Online/ Offline status reporting.
- User controls – Incorporates service override switch – all channels to 100% and a diagnostic LED.
- Options available – Including an additional RS-485 DyNet/DMX512 port, circuit breaker trip reporting or neutral disconnect breakers.
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