Philips Selecon Wing LED Wall Washer (Warm White)

Philips Selecon Wing LED Wall Washer (Warm White)

The Wing LED Wall Washer delivers a homogenous, glare-free beam which will evenly light walls of 3m+ high with no UV or Infrared radiation to cause damage to precious artworks or exhibits. A discreet luminaire with precision pan/tilt adjustments and reference scale the Wing LED also offers lighting designers superior beam shaping and effective masking using the barndoor accessory.

Drawing on the Philips Selecon heritage of innovative performance luminaires the Wing LED conforms to Selecon’s brand promises of performance, precision and simplicity: passive heat management (no fans), tilt and pan lock off adjustment and reference scale allowing for standardised set up and operation and accessories to help shape and filter the light. For the first time Light Emitting Diodes can be used in ‘real’ lighting applications, providing vast improvements in reliability, long-life and low maintenance.

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Philips Selecon


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